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The regulatory guidelines established by the Legal Practitioners' Ethics strictly prohibit the solicitation of legal work and advertising by legal practitioners and advocates. When users access the Jureassess website, they implicitly acknowledge the following key points:

Users visit the Jureassess website with the primary intention of obtaining information for their personal use. It is explicitly recognized that Jureassess has no intent to engage in advertising or solicitation of legal work.

Any information acquired or downloaded from the Jureassess website does not establish a client-attorney relationship between the firm and the user. The user acknowledges this crucial distinction in their interaction with the website.

It's important to note that none of the information provided on the Jureassess website is intended to constitute legal opinion or legal advice. Users are encouraged to seek professional legal advice for specific matters.

In order to enhance the user experience, Jureassess utilizes cookies on its website. By choosing to use the site, users implicitly agree to the utilization of cookies. Further details regarding this can be found in the Privacy Policy section of the website.

All information presented on the Jureassess website is recognized as the intellectual property of the firm. Users are expected to respect and acknowledge this ownership of intellectual property.